Ready to get your own signage?
Paid Internal Signage Package
$5.00 per month per registered device.
Device License: per device…………………………………$5.00/month
CMS: web based content management software. Create outstanding multi-zone, multi-media dynamic digital signage content…….Included………………….…...
Content Management Options:
Option 1: We work with you to set-up your content which we maintain for you on an ongoing basis…....………………………………………...rates apply TBD
Option 2: We work with you to set-up your initial content that you maintain using the powerful free CMS provided with your License…….rates apply TBD
Option 3: You set up your content to maintain yourself using the powerful free CMS provided with your License.

One-time Fees
One-time fee: the player, depending on your content needs ranges…$300 to $2000
Signage Screen and Mount: Either you supply or we can provide a quote depending on your content needs, location, size, etc.
One-time fee: Installation/Equipment set-up………....………………………....….$500  (NOTE: Does not include mounting tv, any electrical work needed or fishing ethernet cable.)
Additional work performed: at a rate of $25/hour (NOTE: no additional work will be performed without your prior approval.)
Phone-724 217 5077
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